Simplifying Training Analysis with Pro-ficiency’s New Admin Dashboard

This week Pro-ficiency has launched a major upgrade to the platform’s Admin Dashboard. The goal? Faster, easier and more intuitive access to key analytics describing both individual and site-wide performance in study protocol training.

Simulation-based training, like that provided by Pro-ficiency, has a proven track record for ensuring that clinical research staff fully understand how to perform the most critical aspects of a protocol. But equally important as the training modules themselves are the analytics generated as staff at different sites complete the training.

The data and analytics provided are just as much a boon for clinical trial sponsors as the learning provided to the sites. And the new redesign of Pro-ficiency’s admin dashboard provides sponsors with one-click access to all the analytics they need to ensure that their trials go forward smoothly, with fewer problems or protocol deviations.

Sponsors no longer have to go into each module and determine what data they want to see; they can make that determination and get to the necessary information directly from the dashboard through the new interface allowing administrators to quickly get what they need.

For instance, images of commonly used displays such as the user performance metrics and the high-level heat map that indicates where stronger versus weaker performances occur are displayed prominently. A simple click on those images takes users directly to those analytics, giving them instant, intuitive access to critical data.

Sponsors who have been using Pro-ficiency’s training packages know what key displays like the performance report and heat map look like. Having these images displayed directly on the dashboard visually cues study leaders to click on the information that they most need after a single glance. 

This upgrade is the first of many system updates aimed at transforming how study training is conducted in clinical trials today and in the future. By driving greater understanding of a study for sites, and predictive risk management performance metrics for leaders, Pro-ficiency is setting a new standard for what sponsors should expect from their training dollars and efforts.

Even simpler analytics, such as tracking how many staff have completed requisite training, can be quickly and easily accessed. For instance, sponsors can easily look and see what percentage of people at a given site or across multiple sites have finished training, what percentage have begun the process and what percentage has yet to begin training.

Easier use of these analytics could lead to more frequent use to check in on training progress, including instances when a protocol amendment demands new training or retraining with a new module. The more readily sponsors access and evaluate the analytics provided via the dashboard, the more agile they will be in identifying and responding to shortfalls.

Data can also be exported with a single click, allowing easier sharing both among a sponsor’s own departments or with sites and CROs.

And that is an important point with the Pro-ficiency training package. Sponsors purchase the data as much as they do the learning modules for the sites. But once a study starts, sponsors become increasingly time-stretched, making it challenging to stay on top of training problems or weak areas. The upgraded interface makes it much more convenient and less time-consuming for sponsors to stay on top of evolving training demands.

The end result is an intuitive dashboard that makes it easier for administrators to locate and view the information they most need at any given moment. This respects the value of sponsors’ time and allows them to quickly access more needed information with substantially less effort.


To schedule a walkthrough of the Admin Dashboard, simply reach out to us here with a few dates and times that work for you, we’ll set something up! Or feel free to click here to learn more about the platform as a whole.

Simulations Plus Has Acquired Pro-ficiency!