Entries by Jenna Rouse

Rethinking Training: Achieving Competency in Less Time and With Better Results

Training for clinical research staff that focuses on complete comprehension of a protocol and its goals can be a key factor in avoiding errors and protocol deviations during the course […]

Simplifying Training Analysis with Pro-ficiency’s New Admin Dashboard

Pro-ficiency has launched an upgrade to our clinical training platform’s Admin Dashboard to provide a single location to view real-time statistics. Our goal? Faster, easier and more intuitive access to key analytics describing both individual and site-wide performance in study protocol training for the dashboard accompanying Pro-ficiency’s training modules.

3 Barriers Preventing Clinical Trial Innovation

Although adoption of clinical trial innovations have seen a rapid adoption in the world over the last decade, organizations that lag in adopting new technology and new ways of doing things are more common than not in the clinical research industry. A recent survey by the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development (CSDD) indicated that innovations in the clinical trial arena take nearly six years to adopt.

Mitigating Study Risk With Performance Analytics

Research sites are turning to various types of performance metrics to support risk-based management of clinical trials. “The first step in proactive data monitoring is to identify what is possible to mitigate, eliminate, and accept,” Hughes wrote. “This all forms part of various plans, including those for data, training, monitoring, statistical analysis, safety, medical monitoring, quality, and other functional plans.”

Behavior Should Drive Clinical Trial Training, Not Test Scores

Behavior Should Drive Clinical Trial Training, Not Test Scores Applying analytics that focus heavily on measuring changes to research staff behavior during training can be a strong predictor of performance […]

Increasing Diversity in Clinical Research with High-Quality Training

Over the last several years, the pharma industry, along with the world at large, has become increasingly focused on issues of diversity. This has been reflected in regulatory guidelines, government […]

Simulations Plus Has Acquired Pro-ficiency!