Enrolled Subject Training

Clinical trials are becoming increasingly patient-centric. Pro-ficiency has trained tens of thousand of patients in multiple therapeutic areas using it’s ground breaking Pro Patient online training system. Now Pro Patient is available for Enrolled Subject Training.

Subjects are expensive to identify and enroll. It only makes sense to support them throughout the study process to keep them informed and engaged.

Recent studies suggest that only 50% of information provided by Health Care Providers (HCP) is retained by patients, and depending on the medical condition, 40-80% can be forgotten immediately after speaking to the HCP. Supplementing verbal information with written, graphical, and video materials significantly improves knowledge retention, treatment compliance, and patient satisfaction, which, in turn, has a compelling positive impact on patient health behaviors and health status.1

Additional studies “have identified both knowledge (information) and attitudes (motivation) as major factors that influence behavior related to therapy adherence. For instance, being afraid and feeling asymptomatic were prominent reasons for inadequate follow-up care and medication adherence.”2

Issues such as miscommunication, protocol confusion, and medication adherence have the potential to significantly increase dropouts and lost-to-follow-ups. In the most extreme cases they may derail a trial altogether.
es such as miscommunication, protocol confusion, and medication adherence have the potential to significantly increase dropouts and lost-to-follow-ups. In the most extreme cases they may derail a trial altogether.

ProPatient is a simulation-based training product for study subjects and their caregivers. It improves patient engagement by training patients and their caregivers about the goals of the study, its risks, their role in the study, and adherence strategies. This also meets emerging regulations requiring that evidence is collected that patients understand the study considerations and informed consent in addition to just agreeing to it.

Pro-ficiency has developed a deep bench of patient advocacy group partners and will engage with such partners where and when appropriate to help with protocol feasibility from the patient perspective and recruitment.

Simulations Plus Has Acquired Pro-ficiency!