Entries by Michael Raymer

Business Expansion in the Digital Age

No business or industry has gone untouched by the widespread impact of COVID-19. Whether it was business development, talent acquisition, or company culture, every organization had to adapt in some […]

Pro-ficiency’s Commitment to Customer Service

Good customer service starts with a great product. Without that foundation—a product that is reliable and meets client needs precisely—it doesn’t matter how well and quickly customer service can address […]

The Nature vs. Nurture in Developing a Corporate Culture

I have seen in my own life the power of nature vs. nurture.  I was adopted at birth and recently connected with six birth siblings.  It is interesting to observe […]

What Does Pro-ficiency Have in Common With HP, Microsoft, Google and Amazon?

They all started in a garage.   Our founder Dave Hadden is a serial entrepreneur.  He has founded several successful companies in his career with Pro-ficiency being his most successful to […]

Lessons Learned from Bill Belichick

Bill Belichick has won six Super Bowls as a head coach in his storied career.  He also has two Super Bowl rings from his time as an assistant coach.   […]

Pro-ficiency’s Take On the COVID-19 Delta Variant

Decisions, Decisions….   Yale Medicine posted the following article on July 15th. Delta is the name for the B.1.617.2. variant, a SARS-CoV-2 mutation that originally surfaced in India. The first […]

Using Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) To Ensure Success

  “If you don’t know where you are going, you might not get there.”   -Yogi Berra     At Pro-ficiency, we are scaling the business to meet and exceed the […]

Opening Back Up: When Will Investigator Meetings Resume?

The announcement by the CDC on May 13th indicated that vaccinated consumers could fully resume activities that you did prior to the pandemic.  Personally, I was able to secure my […]

Building a Focus Differentiated Company: Success Through Innovation

Pro-ficiency is a Focus Differentiated Company   Michael Porter, a Harvard Business Professor, analyzed 1000’s of successful companies and determined that the most successful companies were either a focus-differentiated or […]

The Art and Science of Our Solution

Pro-ficiency is known for creating the category of simulation training for clinical trials by leveraging our film production skills.  Many do not realize that computer science is also an integral […]

Simulations Plus Has Acquired Pro-ficiency!